Singing Bowl Guide
All You Need to Know About Singing Bowls

People are now tuning into their healing capabilities and learning how to use Tibetan bowls. It is worth noting that most of the bowls being made look old but they are actually not. These newer bowls do not have the tones, history as well as metals required that make the older ones unique. You need to choose a Tibetan bowl that has the following qualities for you to get the healing capabilities they provide. First, the quality of the Tibetan bowl is everything. You need to get an education about the look and sound of a quality bowl. You must be careful because most of the bowls in the market are made with machines and telling the difference between antiques and new ones needs special skills. Be excited to our most important info about singing bowls click here.
The real good old bowls will be at least 100 years old and there are signs you could look out for to ensure that you have the right thing. The shape of the bowl, markings you will find on the inside and thickness of the bowl are some of the things to look out for. The old bowls will be thinner at the bottom. Also, not all the old bowls are of good quality. You need to focus on the tone, vibration and harmonics. There are different types of bowls depending with the region it comes from as some are made for consciousness transformation while others for physical healing.
Determine the purpose for which you will use the bowl for meditation, grounding or physical healing. The process of collecting bowls is organic and if you obtain one good quality bowl and take your time to play it, you will know the various voices and tones it can produce. There are also many types of mallets including wood, suede and felt. These will also come in different versions either fat or thin. Mallets have the ability of producing different sounds when used in the proper manner. Learn the most important lesson about singing bowls
Once you strike the bowl, the vibration is supposed to linger and produce several layers of tones. It is worth noting that if you strike the bowl and the volume flutters quickly, the bowl is of low quality. The portion of the stick that is padded is the part supposed to be strike the bowl for an expansive sound. When you strike the bowl, listen to how your body feels and if there is tingling, the sound is impacting the body in the right way.